Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Today, I had a privilege to walk to work.  Most of the time when I am walking I have a serious conversation with the Holy Spirit and if you met me, you may think I am a mad woman because, I talk and laugh to myself.  Most people do not understand that I am having a fellowship with the Holy Spirit or I am simply talking to my inner self and analyzing things in a godly way through the guidance of Him who is inside me.

So, today I had this revelation and I started asking myself, "What is this that has made me so strong in the things of God unlike in my past?"  I remembered one time a friend of mine told me, “Rose, kwani nowadays imeokoka hivyo naonanga kwa facebook?”  In other words, “Rose, are you that saved as I see you on Facebook?”  That is not a funny question from my friend.  The reason being, we grew up together and he knows who I really was that time and what he has been hearing about me as life went on,  like …  Of course I did not get offended at all but I was happy that he realized I am no longer the same Rose Gatobu they used to know or see because there is so much change in me, as I invited a very good friend in my heart and that friend is non-other than  Jesus Christ the Son of God, to take control of me. 

So, what does all these stories relate with listening to Classic FM, Kiss FM and the like?  Well, I want to clarify this before I am judged and stoned to death, listening to all those sorts of Radio Stations is not bad, but the bad thing is making them become your god.  I will confess I was a fun of all these Radio Stations that promoted less of the Kingdom of God, and nowadays I hear them chipping in some of godly songs and topics in a way of luring us who are godly, so that we do not miss out anyway!  So, you will hear them bring Christian Songs here and there so that you continue listening to them and to be honest you can be hooked to them bad style.   Please do not quote me wrong because every business has its way of persuading its clients and those are gimmicks or real aspects that work in the business to make you not stop listening, especially if you call yourself ‘Born Again’ so that you relate with them.  I will call that “compromising persuasion” because I have been persuaded once, twice, thrice … if not many times.  That is why you see many people who love God fear even to say they are Born Again because they listen to Classic FM, Kiss FM etc. lest you will judge them.   

I am not a judge today to condemn everyone who listens to such Radio Stations, but I want to just give my testimony of how I won most of my battles that I have fought, while I was listening to these stations.  As a matter of fact, I am a fun loving person.  If you want to see Rose in her real self, it is where there is fun.  Unfortunately, the fun I was looking for in the world, made me not believe there is fun in the Kingdom of God.  I used to think fun is out there and thus I would be carried away by the crowd so that I can have fun.  In the process, I tried drinking and it never worked for me as the Lord did not want me to indulge in that.  So, I would drink the sweet drinks like Smirnoff Ice, Reds, Wood Pecker and the rest.  They are in the market, though I did not try more than those three, in the name of, I am just taking a soda because they were so sweet to state for me and that is what I was running after.  But by the time I took my third bottle, I realized the talkative Rose, all of a sudden kept quiet.  The effect of the drink to me reversed who I really was.  I loved that calm, cool and collective aspect but I hated the outcome, that is, the nose bleeding, my head spinning like a record player and the restlessness.  I tried that for an year and I realized that drinking of the sweet drink that had so much content of alcohol, just because I wanted to feel good and have fun with my friends and please this man that I really wanted him to marry me, was taking me nowhere but giving me over to hell on earth.  I wondered what on earth do people fathom in drinking.  Anyway, we all have different ways of having fun but for me, I said it is a big NO to drinking and when the Lord delivered me from that, that I was starting, that would have cost my life, I just thank God today because, even if I see anyone with a whole crate of alcohol, I will never envy them but ask them if they can turn it to a crate of milk.  That, I can fight for because I know it is a healthy drink for my body.  I thank God I am not bragging because I know, if it was not for God, maybe I would be this lady who would be picked from a trench in the morning having had drunk myself silly.  I am not judging any woman you see in this position but I want to say, I pity such a woman and I will never shun her but look of ways I would help.  Though some times, some issues cannot be changed that easily unless God himself intervenes. No wonder there is a place in the Bible that says, “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting”.  Who would want things to reach that far?  Lord have mercy on us!

So, what about listening to the Classics FM, Kiss FM has to do with all what I am saying?  By the way, when I say that, I do not mean I do not listen to them.  I have learnt so much from the Classic FM, the Kiss FM and others that I do not know what happened to them like Metro FM.  I can tell for your hearing that, Metro FM helped me receive my emotional healing since I was really hurt by men.  I would listen to these women who were in my shoes and the advises they would get like, “Leave him alone, he is not the only man in this world. He has used you, but he has not finished you”  And I would wonder, are there people who really go through what I go through and are able to air it out just like that on this earth if they are not acting?  And from their testimonies I just found myself healing and forgiving all my offenders just because someone came in and told me to my ears from the airing, “Rose, you are not the only one, there are many there out like you, it is only that they do not tell about their hurts.  From Classic FM, I learnt about the many evil things that happen in relationships that I would never have imagined would happen but this station made me learn so many things that women and women struggle or struggled with from their open confessing, that they would sleep around and do all these crazy things and to me that world sounded crazy and I was like, “How can a married woman or man just sleep around?”  Until I learnt it the hard way and from their testimonies about the crazy things they do in this world, made me see the real world and not my world that I thought I was in.  That is the time I realized we are in a doomed world but only the wise in the Lord will make it in life.  From the same station today I know so much that is done in the evil world though I do not do them, but I am very informed you won’t just take advantage of my innocence like in the past.  That is why I said, it is not bad listening to them to some extent but we have to be very careful. 

In the process of my listening to these stations in the past because I listened to them day in day out, I realized that, I was attracted most of the time by what interested me especially the Gospel Songs that were played, the Love Songs that were played and I love, Love Songs for your information and the educative programmes that were aired.    And I guess that is why I was really hooked to tuning in to these stations.   But, wait a minute, one day I asked myself, “Why do I keep on slipping to my already dealt with issues?”  I got to realize the more I listened to Love Songs, the more I wanted a man in my life we do all what I heard the song saying and most of the time I was attracted to men that were not godly and thus they would end up wounding and hurting me because we did not read from the same page.  From such relationships, I was never loved, but lusted for, I was never appreciated but rejected, I was never respected but unrespected, I was never valued but taken for a trash, I was never seen to be good for anything but branded the woman who says she is saved yet she does the things of this world because I compromised a lot and my list is endless. 

So, I asked myself, “What can I do so that I remain loving to my Lord and still enjoy my life?”  And the Lord answered me one time I was praying and he told me to stop listening to songs of this world, to stop reading what is of this world and to stop watching stations and sites that are not godly.  So,  what did I do?   I stopped listening to Classic FM, Kiss FM and the rest and I started listening to Hope FM (

I also started watching godly stations like TBN, Family TV and the rest.  I do not open on sites that are not godly and that has also helped me a great deal.

That was the secret!  I never knew all what I lost in the many past years when I listened more to my past stations and the victories I am getting today when I listen to Radio 316, Hope FM and other stations that are godly that I listen to and also watch.  I praise God day in day out because I have a better relationship with the Holy Spirit in relation to my worshiping God, having a personal relationship with God, knowing the friends to walk with and leave e.t.c.  I am more hooked to the things of God than to the worldly things.  I can tell you more, but this space is not big enough to contain all the victories I have got after I made a personal decision to choose to what I listen to, what I read, what to watch and what to talk about. 

Writing is my best friend today.  I feel so happy when I sit down and write such a piece to tell you how God speaks to me in relation to my change and also impact the same change to many people.  I might be talking alone here, but I know deep down my spirit the many souls I help through my writing are many.  And that is my Ministry, to reach out to the unreachable and to speak to those that are lost, weak and torn yet are ashamed by what they are going through or who they branded to be by the world and that is not who they really are.  The devil is a liar he always wants to win you instead of you being won by Christ just because the devil has chained you with his chains and wants you to be in his league.  But on the contrary, Jesus wants you to surrender to him and give him all your baggage and he will give you rest.  I am a living proof to say that, "Grace wins every time" like the Singer  Matthew West would put it in his lovely song "Grace wins every time."  (  

Mark my words, I am not here to condemn anyone listening to Classic FM, Kiss FM and the rest, but I am here to tell you, after I listened to these stations less, the more i received my emotional healing, I was delivered from many struggles I had, and I am living proof that Grace wins all the time.  Not my weak points but my strengths through my Lord.  That does not mean I totally do not listen to the stations, I do listen to them once in a while, especially when I hear something so weird being said and done in this world and I am like, does such things really exist and that makes me understand the things that are done in the world that I should never engage in so that I can make a sober choice.  Life is about the choices that we make.  If you make the wrong choices, they will always land you to the wrong places and if you make the right choices then you will land in the right places. 

Today, I have been very consistent from my Facebook Page and Google Page (blog) in relationship to my God.  I am no longer the Rose Gatobu people used to know.  I am a Christ like Rose Gatobu and I am not ashamed to share any of my stories to help most of my readers who might be where I was in the past.  I am not a finishes project yet, the Lord is still doing his thing in my life and I am glad I made the choice to make him my King and Lord.  That is why I believe, you can never win others if you will keep your testimony to yourself.  You can only be a testimony if you share your testimony and prove to the world that you are the change that the Lord wants you to be and that is the invitation the Lord is inviting us to daily, so that we can have a personal relationship with him and our lives will never be the same. 

God is not a respecter of persons nor does he discriminate.  God loves us all equally and he would love us all to be Born Again and receive his blessing while in his kingdom and not in the Kingdom of the evil one.  What do I mean?  “Does it mean that if I have backslid God cannot even want to see me or if I compromised most of the time, God has nothing to do with me?” One may ask,  I will tell you, if you want a change, you will try your level best to be a good disciple of Jesus if you had once given your life to him.  When you fall you will ask for forgiveness and try your level best to deal with your weakness than blaming others, self and human desires.  If I did not make a paradigm shift to start doing right and stop compromising and making people happy, then today I would not be the Rose Gatobu that I am but a totally lost Rose.  You will realize when you take such a shift, you will not be loved by many, you will be judged, you will be rejected, and you will be called all sorts of names.  I left all my friends since I realized I was going nowhere with them, I spend now most of my time with my children and I have created a stronger bond with them; and they have also adapted my new life, as they are born again and they do all what I do and that is my first church that I preach to.  To be honest, my church (family - children) is doing well because of the change that I have brought to them. 

“So Rose, you are still not telling us what is wrong in listening to Classic FM, Kiss Fm and the rest?”  You may ask once more,  I said and I will say it again, there is nothing wrong listening to these stations but the wrong thing is making them your gods because most of the time the greatest percent that praises God or educates you on the good things is 10% the other 90% it praises of the world which you do not belong to, if you are a child of God.  The choice is yours today.  Make the right choice and you will become the choices you make.  Have a lovely day and God bless you a great deal!!! 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


I was in the bathroom today in the morning and the Lord brought to me something in my mind that I did, that was so daring and weird.  As I started pondering on it I asked myself “By the way Lord, what came up out of this weird thing that I did?”

This is the story … I think it is a year and some months ago, I was taking my younger son to school.  It was around Serena Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.  When I alighted from the bus.  I saw these two beautiful babies sleeping in the morning cold at 7.30 a.m., beside the road.  Immediately I saw them my heart jumped a beat because that was very unusual to see young children being left on their own sleeping beside the road such a time.  People were coming, look at them and pass.  It reminded me of the story of the Good Samaritan.  Then the Lord told me, “Rose, do not pass just come nearer and see what happens.  This is me but everyone is ignoring me.”  I went nearer, looked at the babies who were very dirty, nicely rapped with the dirty clothing’s and a bag besides them, which was also not cleanThey slept peacefully and calmly.  I touched them to feel if they were cold and to my shock they were as warm like they were in an oven.  I could not imagine that because, children that are privileged cannot imagine themselves in such a state.  As I had stretched my hand to touch the children a woman came from nowhere running towards me and it reminded me of the story of Moses and her sister Miriam who was hiding see what happens to Moses when he is found, since they wanted to kill him as the decree was made by Pharaoh that, all Hebrews boys to be killed and girls spared.  

She looked at me with those eyes of - please help me. I asked her, “How are you?  She answered me and I asked her if those were her children. She told me they were.  She is using them to borrow food if I could help her.  Since I did not have any food and cash that particular time, I told her, "Tomorrow I will pass by and I promise I will bring you the food."  I bid her goodbye.  As I was walking away I started crying and my baby asked me why I was crying and I told him I was pitying them because they are not as privileged as he is.  My innocent baby comforted me and told me, “Jesus will help them mum.  Stop crying.”  I told him, “It is okay my baby let us rush to school we are getting late.” We rushed and I dropped him to school.  Then I went back asking God, “What are you trying to tell me about these children Lord” And the Lord gave me and answer and told me that he wants me to reach out to her.  I asked him “How will I do that Lord, yet I have nothing to offer?”  He told me he has given me love, compassion and mercy to offer and it is not about money and to crown it all, the message of Salvation.    Then I asked him “How will I do that Lord?” He told me, “That little you have and sparing for yourself, buy her something and show her that I love her and care about her and more so, I want her to receive me.”  Gosh!  That was not easy my dear friends.  I asked “Where do I start from, first, she is dirty, secondly, she looks not normal and thirdly, will she really understand my language?” 

Anyway, I decided to obey and the next day I passed through the place and found her with the children.  This time round she was not in the hiding.  I gave her some packets of milk and bread.  I dropped my baby to school and I went back to reach out to her.  I asked her if she knew Christ and she told me no.  I told her Jesus loves her so much and he sent me to her this morning to tell her that.  She smiled and thanked me but I could see she was struggling to fathom what i was saying and if i was genuine.  She was dirty, worn out and very weak.  She looked somehow insane and she was not really herself.  I imagined all the pain and anguish she was going through and I really felt so much mercy on her.  I convinced her that Jesus sent me to her because she could see I brought her food.  I asked her if she would like to receive Christ and she told me yes.  Shocked to her answer as i did not expect that,  I led her to Christ and I was very excited as she said the prayer after me.  I later gave her my contact and the Lord told me before I leave, I do something very weird.  He said, “On her behalf today, stand next to her and borrow people money.”  I found that so crazy and funny but I obeyed.  I did not know borrowing money is not that easy for them.  

Guys would pass us as I called them as the Holy Spirit led me and to be honest, not many wanted to hear what I was saying.  People were coming, look at the lady, the children and me with a look on their face and pass.  Those the Lord touched gave me something and I was really happy they did.  I even got numbers from those who gave, though some were not willing to give me their numbers.  From that action of about two hours, I was able to raise 500/= (Five Hundred Kenya Shillings.).  That was not easy for me friends and the look I got from people it could tell it all that I was crazy but crazy for Jesus.

I gave all the money to the lady and I left for work.  As I was walking I asked the Lord “what next, how will she survive for the rest of the days'?”  Then I started thinking of ideas that I can share with her so that she can help herself and stop borrowing.  I thought myself through and said, I will use other people to help me especially those that gave me today and shared their numbers with me.  I sent them all messages to that effect and most of them were skeptical.  There is one man who told me, “That woman has been there for many years, do you think you will make it?” He also told meYou should also be very careful because may be she has been kept there by people who have personal interests” that sounded so unreal because I thought he does not want me to be used of the Lord, though it made a lot of sense.  Then I said, “I will pray about it and ask the Lord to give me directions.”  As I was praying the Lord reminded me of a dream I had that was not good like two weeks earlier.    I dreamt being attacked as I was helping.  The people who were killing people were ruthless and brutal.  So I sought for a hiding place but they still came to where I was hiding and shot me at the back with my friend.  Immediately I woke up and prayed against the schemes of the darkness.  Then the Lord told me, “That dream meant that, you keep away from that woman because you did the part wanted you to do.  I wanted you to lead her to Salvation and show her my mercy.”  I was like “what Lord?”  And he said,  "You have done what I wanted you to do and that is enough.  Now leave the rest to me."  Then I asked him “And who is this friend I am being shot with in the dream?" This is because when I was helping the family, I was not with the person i dreamt with, though the person is someone that i know.  And the Lord told me “The friend was your baby.”  I could not believe what the Lord was telling me as I started thanking him for revealing that to me and also protecting me because, in his service it does not mean things will be smooth but he promises me he will always take me through it. 

A confirmation happened when someone called me from nowhere the next day early in the morning after I passed though the same place and said hello to that lady, but gave nothing since the Lord warned me, but went my way asking God why he said I leave it at that?  The guy who called me said, I should mind my own business because the day he will see me talking to that woman again and helping her, he will shoot me!  I was tongue tied I could not believe what the Lord had just told me to keep off that woman and in the dream I was shot.    I saw the Lord spoke to me through the dream but I did not understand what he told me and had to make my enemy call me personally for me to get it.  What?  I could not believe my ears.  The guy told me he knows I am an agent that comes in the name of God and he does not want anything to do with me.  I should be very careful and keep off if I want to live.    

I wish you could feel the chill that ran my body from head to the toes.   It was not a sweet experience but I loved that God allowed me to be used of him and still put a wedge of protection on me as he knows I cannot do everything I need to do unless he guides and directs me.    That was so unbelievable.  From that day I never used that route again for fear of our lives and I heed the warning. 

But out of curiocity, i would pass there in a vehicle, and peep to see if the woman is there, but I kept on not seeing her.  Now it is nearly a year and months and I have not seen that woman or the children there or near the vicinity.    That is how the thought came my way that I wanted the Lord to answer me in the morning while I was in the bathroom as I earlier indicated.  I asked the Lord, “What happened to her?”  As I am asking myself this, could it be the woman went to be with the Lord?  Remember I prayed with her and she received Christ.  If it is yes, I will say, I thank God he used me to reach out to her.  And if she is still alive, did the Lord uplift her, change her life and may be today she is happy and doing well wherever she is?  Well, all those are questions we ask ourselves when we do good to others and we go our way not knowing what exactly did the Lord mean when he sent us to do weird and crazy things that do not make any sense to any man, but we still obey because the Lord told us. 
Most of the time we will do things on this earth of good as the Lord sends us and we go our way not knowing exactly what transpired later, but he says he is the one who will reward us.  He says he sees all what we do in the secret and records all what we do.  Every one of us will be crowned on the last day.   He will say, "Good faithful servant this is your crown for all what you did when I used you. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him and obey him.  On that day the Lord will tell you, you clothed me and I thank you for that.  You will ask him “When did I clothe you Lord?” Then he will tell you, “You see the day you went to that children’s home and took all the clothes you had, that is how you clothed me.”  He will tell you, “You fed me; you see the day you passed through Serena and bought me those packets of milk and bread, that is when you fed me.”  You are like “When was that Lord?”  He will tell you, “You see this woman and man you see here, they are here because you reached out to them and today they are in heaven because you shared with them the Gospel and they received me, that is why they are here today with me and you.”  And you wonder when did you do that, yet you are not a Pastor because you think it is only Pastors who bring people to Christ and you did it yourself not once, not twice because you are called a priest once you receive Christ!  Remember he has also commissioned you to go preach the Word to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  And because you were obedient and did what the Lord told you to do, then you will be asking, “When on earth did I really do all these things the Lord is telling me?”  This is because you never kept any record,  but he who sits in the secret place kept his record and He will crown you and reward you with this well-deserved crown and you will be in shock.  The fact that you received him as Lord and Saviour and you obeyed him and allowed him to purge you day in day out.  Then that warrants you a reward and that is why he will be happy that you helped him exten his kingdom as he commissioned you.   

My brothers and sisters do not be people pleasers, choose to please God at all times.  No one will ever notice the good that you do in the secret, but there is one that sees in the secret and will reward you.  Do not let your left hand  see what the right hand is doing.  Just obey God and do every good thing to please him.  Let God see your good works that you do to please him and not man.  Salvation is not about showing off and tearing people apart and making them feel good for nothing.  Salvation is by the Grace of God.  We are God’s disciples.  He has created us all with gifts and talents to honour him with them for his kingdom.  It is not about looking for the riches of this world but looking for the riches of heaven which are eternal and extending the kingdom of God.  For those who are doing all the good works, it is important to note also that, you can do all the good things but if you have not received Christ to guide and direct you through, you will still miss the point.  You need to receive Christ first and then all these other things will fall in place.  He is interested in our souls more than anything else and the works, he just uses them to enable us reach out to others so that they can be children of God and enjoy eternity both on earth and in heaven. 

My prayer today is that, we be the good disciples that God wants us to be.  We should never be judges but let God be our judge and purpose to obey and listen to him.  May the Lord help us to be more like Jesus.  Salvation is a process and all of us we are on the race and we are all at different points.  There are those that are nearing the finishing line, there are those that are in the middle, there are those that are starting the race and so forth.   My friends let us not look at one another, let us focus on the finishing line remembering all of us are wired differently and we will face different difficulties and smooth ways as we run the race and we will all finish at our own time.  The thing is, Jesus is not waiting for the one who will be number one.  Jesus is waiting for us all at the finishing line and it does not matter what number you will be because he finished it for us all on that day at Calvary.  He made us all number one it is only that he wants us to have a personal walk with him so that he can enable us finish well and faithfully for his Glory. 

I hope I have encouraged someone and today we will purpose to have a personal relationship with Jesus who is the author and finisher of our calling.  Do not look at others, focus on Jesus and yourself because each one of us, we will be accountable to God and we will stand alone at his throne and give account of everything that we did on earth whether good or bad. 

Will you want to start a journey with Jesus today?  Kindly say this prayer after me.  Lord Jesus, I thank you that you died for me on the cross and God raised you from the dead and now I believe that you came and died to set me free.  Please forgive me.  I am sorry I have been walking in disobedience, but today I purpose to start a new journey with you, that you will save me and keep me at your safe place.  Write my name in the Book of the Life.  In Jesus Holy Name I Pray.  Amen!  If you have said that prayer my friend, you are now born again.  Look for a Bible reading Church and you will get friends who will walk with you through the journey and you should confess your faith and tell them you have just started the journey with Jesus Christ and they will guide you.  If you have nowhere to call just email me on  

God bless you all and have a wonderful time.  God loves you and so do I!

Monday, 21 March 2016


If there is one thing I have never understood about marriage is how people just get the right person and happily get married.  Have you ever felt like that?  I guess I am the only one and let me just tell you, if there is a place I have been tempted and fallen big time in my entire life, is about relationships that end up broken.  But now i clearly know where i went wrong.  

I had thought all along I am a beautiful woman, a girl after God’s heart and my list is endless, until I came to know the problem is not the men that came my way, but myself.  Allowing men do things that cannot be imagined in this world and you continue saying you love them, and you are ready to get married to them, that is the most weird thing on this planet.  But I won’t lie to you, that was my world and many women have done exactly what I have done.  Only to learn at 40 in my case, men are not your fathers and grandfathers.  You need to style up and know what kind of a man you would want in this life and go for him; not just people who will take you for a tissue paper or a better word to use, "for granted."

Many ladies have told me about their stories and the men who have married them and I am left asking what is so wrong with me that no man treats me that well?  I am always taken like a trash and a tissue paper that need to be done nothing else, but to be used and placed at the right place and that is the toilet and flashed never to be seen or just thrown on the walk path for all to be see it has been rightfully used, unfortunately thrown at the wrong place.  It sounds so harsh but i will say clearly and categorically that, that has been my world you like it or not.  I am not blaming anybody here when i say all this, but i want to tell us who like playing naive and silly, we need to style up.  You do not need to be 40 to learn things the right way, you need to be connected with the right people, right information and a God who really cares, loves and helps us to pick the right ways and not the wrong ways at all ages.

My friend, today I want to make a confession I have never made in my life and to correct those who know me especially personally because they have heard a lot about me, positive or negative.    I want to say, please do not label any man that you suspect or think i had any relationship with  for a bad man.  It is not about the man but about this woman who is cool, calm and collected but did things just the wrong way in the name of doing the right things to make a man love and marry her.

A lesson I have learnt at 40 is that, a man will always marry the woman he wants and he will not look at the way she will give in to his advances but he is the only one who knows why he picks that girl who has nothing to offer and leaves you who have all to offer.  My take is, let the man look for you and not you looking for him, that is simple.  And do not think when you will win him with your advances that are so acted up, you will make it.  That is a lie that will only enter your nerves when you get in that relationship that will end up in a bad divorce or live regretting for the rest of your life.     

Yes, you will act, you will make him fall in your trap but let me tell you, when he gets to know who you really are, he will run for his heels and never to come back and you will be left there saying, men are dogs!  Unfortunately, he will also be singing women are 'bitches'.  The thing here is that, no human is an animal.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are God's image.      The best thing to do as a woman on waiting is, be yourself, do the right things at the right time and wait for him patiently focusing on the one who divinely connects the two that he has purposed to bring together.  He is our amazing God and the secret is not taking the detours but walking the narrow path that leads you to eternity rather than the wide road that leads to destruction.   The fact is, you will go to his house, cook for him, clean his house, and make him happy the whole night but he will never marry you but take the woman he has always wanted and loved.  Criteria to doing that, I can’t tell it, it is only him who can tell us, because men are different and they have their own unexplained tastes and preferences.

Do you want to get married like me?  Please mind your business and love on God and the guy will trace you and will be connected with you at the right time.  I know that can take ages, but it would rather take ages than go through a pain that you can never heal yourself from, unless you seek God earnestly to heal you, which is also not an easy journey.  Forgiving a man who has hurt you is not an easy task, but seeking the one who forgives and helps you forgive those who terribly hurt you, is the best decision you can ever make. 

As I wait now, I know where I went wrong and I have corrected all and learning more from the right sources.   Today, i am your mentor, adviser and friend who can only guide you on not taking the wrong path, but guide you through the journey in a friendly and genuine way. I know i made many mistakes, but today, i know and believe i am wired for greatness!  It is from my mistakes that i have learnt all my weak points and corrected them all and continue to correct.   Not forgetting that, it has not been a very easy journey but worth the price i have paid for the man God has been preparing for me.  He will find a ready woman who will love him for who he is, respect him, submit to him and keep it warm through thin and think with a hope of living happily ever after as the tale goes with the help of God.   I can’t wait to tell my story because, “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” 

Wait patiently on the Lord and he will not let you down.  He is not a man to lie to us nor is he a man that he will change his mind!