Wednesday 26 June 2024



I don't know if the statement above lied to me. Well, I am yet to know. But this is what I had to go through to know what it means to love or to be loved. Most of us when we were growing up, no one told or taught us how to love or what it feels to be loved.


As for me, I learned about love; the hard way. Of course, I knew the love of a parent to a child (Storge) and that one of God and his people. (Agape).  But there is the love between two people that leads to marriage or intimacy. (Eros) This is the love that has cost many of us since we did not know what it entails to love or to be loved. So, what is the real meaning of love? "Love is an intense, deep affection for another person. Love also means to feel this intense affection for someone. Love can also refer to a strong like for something or to like something a lot. Love has other senses both as a verb and a noun." 


With that background, you can deduce what is love from the real meaning according to the dictionary. Me when I was growing up, I knew love; is loving something or someone with all your heart, mind and soul. So, I knew for sure the person who would love me for who I am would take me just the way I am. But that fact dwindled with time because my understanding failed to meet my expectations. Therefore, I had to learn about intimacy and love the hard way. 


I don't know whether to call it love or infatuation, I need to be corrected, but let me talk about my very first love. I was in class Six. There was this tall, dark, handsome and very bright boy in my class who I had intense feelings for and I was around 12 years old. I can't explain the feeling, but it was deep. I couldn't express it to him because I wanted him to feel it too and tell me first, so that I also tell him what I felt. Since I was a shy girl and that message did not linger in his mind; days passed and we left primary school never to meet again but I remember the feeling to-date. I may have never told him but I thought he would have felt it too.  Unfortunately, I was terribly wrong that I was not in love. That first love faded that way without an explanation of how to find it again. And that founded my search from the many relationships that came my way. Did I quench my thirst? It has been a struggle; a story for another day but, I am wondering, how come I felt the same deep intense feeling to all these men that followed? I thought it was a feeling meant to be felt once and for all. So, all this time I lied to myself?  


Now let me explain. Love to be honest is a deep, affection for another person. Period! That tells me then, I was very right; only that I loved the wrong people. Therefore, I should stop judging myself so harshly and focus and move on. This is because I have always carried myself with a lot of guilt because of the many failed relationships. So what point am I driving to? I want to talk to someone in my shoes who has loved more than one person in relation to intimacy. Sometimes people in my shoes judge themselves harshly not understanding it was nothing about us but the people we loved who never felt the same way. Our assumption made us think we were on the same page but let us down and so much down to a point of not believing in love again.


Don't give up on love. Love is a beautiful thing if it is correctly found. Remember I am talking about intimacy love. This love I am talking about is known as Eros love. We have others like Philia, Storge, Agape, Ludus, Pragma, and Philistia. Love between two people falls in the Eros love which can be deeply connected to lust. Before you get your right partner, you may fall in love many times but that is called LUST. LOVE IS A CHOICE When you choose to love on someone genuinely you have no excuse but LOVE them anyway. Choosing to love them means you DIDN'T ASK WHY? If you were to ask questions you would find many flaws and it would be hard to love someone because, "man is to error."  Thanks for reading to the end. That's LOVE. Philia LOVE.



Thursday 13 June 2024


Our reading comes from Galatians 6:2

'Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. '

Galatians 6:2



Many a times when we ready such scripture, we get tired even before we finish reading it.  This is because no one wants to sacrifice and let go what they have as it is meant to be theirs and theirs alone.  In this world where we are facing crisis of inflation, no one wants to share because life has become very expensive and things are not bearable in relation to money; where you find majority are struggling to make ends meet and weighed down by debts and other financial crisis. 


Even in that state of affairs we are called to carry each others burden.  Not only are we supposed to carry each other burdens by giving money, but in other ways of doing good and being kind and merciful to others.  In the book of Luke 10:27 we read this:


'He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind ; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. '


Luke 10:27


How many people are able to love their neigbours as they love themselves.  Just look around and see how people are so selfish and mean.  That is not what God is calling us to do.  He wants we stand with each other and help one another in whatever way we can help.


Naturally i do not struggle being selfless.  This is because it is out of it that the Lord has really blessed me. Being selfless is not easy it takes a heart of humility, kindness and mercy.  It is purely a calling from God that everyone should ask for. When i say that, I do not mean i am hundred percent.  Sometimes i struggle carrying others burdens because majority of people around me need money which i also struggle with sometimes.  But that is not the only way i can help.  I can give a word of comfort by giving hope or council on what i see can help them out even leading them to help through sharing contacts of help.       


One day i was walking to town to meet a friend who had asked to training me so that i can start making money online; as i was really struggling financially.  I remember the money i had between me and poverty was the training money. I was supposed to meet the guy around 10.00 a.m. I took my lap top and i hit the road towards our meeting point.  As a good student, i was there thirty minutes earlier.  I tried to call him but he was not picking the calls. I decided to give him more time but he kept on not picking my calls.  I would have gotten very mad because he never responded to my calls until one hour later after our appointment time that i decided to give up. In that scenario i had to change plans quickly so that i don't look silly and wasted.  The Lord reminded me of a friend of mine, who had shared with me that he needed some money to pay for a certain debt that weighed him down.  Since the money i had was to pay for the training i decided to give this friend of mine the money and train later.  Believe me or not till today, i do not know what happened to the lad who was to train me; as he has never called me to explain what happened.  As for me i did not bother to look for him because he failed me terribly though i chose to forgive him but decided not to do business with him as i didn’t want to be treated the same way again and thus i closed that chapter for a future training. He is not the only one who has failed me in such arrangements but that is a story of another day.   


One may think i am not normal when i diverted the money to help my friend because i had the option of saving it for a future training.  But i felt instead of saving the money, i should stand with this friend of mine by sharing the burden with him. His burden had kept on disturbing me; and this particular day when i missed my training class i told God i would want to help this brother.  I called to ask him if he could meet me in town not mentioning to him what i really wanted. He took like an hour to meet me, but before we met, i sat somewhere public in town to wait for him and i saw this young woman sat on some benches outside Hilton Hotel in Nairobi where i also took to rest as i waited.  This lady looked tired and very hungry.  Her lips were dry and looked very dehydrated.  I went and sat next to her and i said greeted her fearing she may not even answer me from her look of face.  She did not look fierce, but looked disturbed and confused.  Her answer was very reluctant may be because of what she was going through. But i really understood her from the face value; because at one point i was in her shoes.  I took Two hundred shillings note that i had and folded it in my hand and gave it to her.  I did it in wisdom as i gave it while greeting her so that she doesn’t refuse to pick it.  She looked at me in awe and i am sure she was shocked who was i and why i gave her the little alms i had. The feeling was so nice; i felt like crying that i touched someone’s heart.  I may not have known what she was going through but i am sure i put a smile on her face and made her know there is a God in heaven just because a stranger offered to give her something small.  Maybe she called me an Angel - i don’t know.  What i remember after the act, I went praying for her; asking God to bless her and open doors for her so that she can come out of her situation.  


Not long my friend appeared and we relocated to another venue at a hotel that he had never been before and i bought him some lunch.  We did a catch up since we had not seen each other for quite sometime and the meeting was awesome. I was able to hand over the money and i could see how happy he was as he was not expecting i would really be there for him in relation to the debt that really weighed him down.  Days later, the Lord rewarded me with an offer that earned me more than twenty thousand shillings.  That  amazed me as God gave me four times what i had given.  God rewards those who obey his commands and he is always very faithful.


In life we are called to carry each others burdens because that is the law of Jesus.   I will give you five points that you will practice in relation to carrying other peoples’ burdens.  One: be patient with quirks.  People with peculiar behaviours will not be the kind of people to help or stand with.  But we are called to help anyway. Its very hard to be patient with people who seem not to be understood.  Ignore that and offer a hand of help where it is needed.  Two:  Help anyone hurting around you.  People need positive energy around them especially those hurting so that they can receive healing and hope.  This can be done through your comforting words of encouraging, inspiring and even comforting.  Whatever way you can assist please do.  Three:  Do good to those who hurt you.  I know this is the hardest but try your level best. Currently i am struggling understanding a colleague who is not easy to please and hurts me on a daily basis.  I do not know how to show her goodness while she is hurting me this deep, but i have chosen to ignore all what she does to me as a way of keeping myself at peace; though it is one of my hardest situations to cope with currently.  Four: Be kind to those who offend you.  This is also not easy as those that offend you most of the time are the people you relate with on a daily basis at home, church, work and even at the market place.  The other day, i was offended by someone very special to me.  He really wanted to extend his disappointment by keeping quiet towards me by giving me a lot of negative energy.  I chose to be good to him; and do you know what? He was able to tell me what was hurting him and realized it was nothing to do with me.  But because of his personality being depressed was his way of hurting and wanted my comfort.  If i did not read his mind right, i would have really taken offense.  It was not easy to understand him in the first place as I really wondered what wrong did i do to him.   This is a character of many melancholics and therefore it is good to understand people that offend us and understand where they are coming from.  Five:  Build bridge of love to the overlooked.  Be a defender of those who can not defend themselves.  Make sure those that are around you are well treated and are happy in their endeavours. Be a peace maker and someone who brings positivity around people so that we can all enjoy life together by serving each other.   


I hope with those few tips will help you carry other peoples’ burdens because well all need support and care.


Have a wonderful time.  God bless you. 


Friday 31 May 2024


 Welcome to Rose Gatobu Inspirations 

Today's verse comes from the Book of Isaiah 26:3

 '“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation]. '

Isaiah 26:3


In the recent past, i realized i am not reading the word of God on a daily basis.  So i called myself for a small meeting because i realized i am not doing very well in my commitment to read the word of God on a daily basis to hear what God is saying.  Some days i would be consistent but some other time i will forget about it and concentrate on doing my own things.  During the time i am not reading the word of God, i have realized i use my own understanding and many things that i do backfire a lot because am not guided by the Lord.  Using your own understanding means, doing things according to the way you want without a guidance. As a child of God, there is one who guides you if you allow Him to.  And that person is non else but the Holy Spirit.  How will the Holy Spirit Guide you?  


For you to be led of him, you have to receive him so that he dwells in you.  How do you accept him?  By receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour through confession with your mouth believing that he came from God. This is not coming from me but from the Word of God as we read Romans 10:10:-

'For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he acknowledges and confesses [his faith openly], resulting in and confirming [his] salvation. '

Romans 10:10

Now that you accepted Christ, and (if you have not done so, please do so."  Then you qualify to be a child of God and you can face God in whatever state of life you are in; because you are justified.  What is being justified? I know you may ask if you don't know what it means to be justified. Simple! It is to be declared righteous?  How now?  Well, you see, accepting Jesus who died for you on the cross through his blood that washes you white as snow and makes you whole.  What can wash my sins away?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus...  Sing with me the song 


Haki Rose you are getting deep. Yes, i am getting deep because many times we get away with our sins we think God is pleased with us.  God doesn't love sin. But because of his love, he overlooks it for he gave his Son to die for us!  Do not celebrate when you sin and  see things still going on well with you and think God is pleased with you?  No!  Just know it is because of the justification that comes from his Son he loves; Jesus Christ.  And this doesn't just happen but happens through our life in Christ.  Listen to what Galatians 2:20-21 says:-

 'I have been crucified with Christ [that is, in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body I live by faith [by adhering to, relying on, and completely trusting] in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not ignore or nullify the [gracious gift of the] grace of God [His amazing, unmerited favor], for if righteousness comes through [observing] the Law, then Christ died needlessly. [His suffering and death would have had no purpose whatsoever.]”'

Galatians 2:20-21

Oh, my goodness!  Behold what manner of love that Father has given unto us ... You see the life you live is no-longer yours but Christ.  He lives in you, because he bought you with a price.  

'You were bought with a price [a precious price paid by Christ]; do not become slaves to men [but to Christ]. '

1 Corinthians 7:23


So do not go boasting around thinking you are living your life.  No.  Someone paid a big price for you and therefore you ought to live like Him and be like Him. (Jesus)  But how can you live a life for Christ and you keep on sinning?  Well, my answer will be this: You are justified.  Period! I will repeat that.


Yesterday, i told you how i struggle with short temper.  I will have to make a confession that, that is not the only sin i struggle with.  And i know you also agree with me that you also have your struggles.  Yes, now we are talking.  We are all sinners and anyone who says they have no sin they are liars. 

'If we say we have no sin [refusing to admit that we are sinners], we delude ourselves and the truth is not in us. [His word does not live in our hearts.] If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]. '

1 John 1:8-9 

I have many struggles but i always work on them on a daily basis because they manifest differently.  This is because once i deal with a sin, another one pops up and i wonder,  "I thought finally i will be free from this?"  Ole wako my friend!  It is not over until it is over.  You will be shocked sinning is always with us and we sin daily depending on what we sin about.  Therefore we are called for repentance.  


One day, i sat next to this handsome well dressed man in a Matatu (Public Means) along Westlands area in Nairobi.  The guy looked awesome from dressing, he smelled wao! and carried himself with a very good persona like a banker  Oh yes!  Actually he looked like a  Banker.  Anybody in the house who is a banker?  Guys, bankers are always smart, well presented, cool, calm and collected not to leave news anchors too.  I can imagine you are now getting the picture of the man am trying to talk about.  But something let him down in a big way as much as he looked official and professional.  He lied! What?  Yes he did.  How?  He received a call from someone i do not know and he lied where he was and that made me feel offended?  Whey would he lie?  Such a smartly dressed person?  So, let me ask you, how many times have you lied weather you are smart or not?  Let me share my experience just the other day about a lie i made that is still disturbing me because i have not confessed to my best friend about it.    The other day, i had an argument with my best friend.  The ague was about my phone.   He loves checking on it now and then to see who is talking to me secretly.  Hahahahah  If you can remember my yesterdays story about trust you can relate.  Yes, this day he told me he wants to use my phone torch so that he can light a room that did not have lights to check on something.  I gave him the phone. But while cooking i remembered there is something i lied to him about some money and i knew for sure if he gets to see the amount he will be offended i lied to him.  When i remembered that, i  ran towards him and snatched the phone because i did not want him to see the message that would show the exact amount i got.  I stared complaining he is snooping on my messages as a coverup not knowing i was trying to hide my lie. Thanks be to God he did not see that but am still not at peace until i confess.  You see what i was talking about priding in the sins we get away with?  Anyway, I will confess this evening because i am not in perfect peace because of my Sin.  Heheheheheh!   You see lying is a sin.   With all his smartness, this man struggles with lying too.  Let me rebuke you today as i do to myself, a lying tough is a sin and God is disgusted by lies.  Please it is not me saying, but God; Let us read Proverbs 12:22 

'Lying lips are extremely disgusting to the Lord , But those who deal faithfully are His delight. [Prov 6:17; 11:20; Rev 22:15] '

Proverbs 12:22  If you practice that, please stop.  Stop it and start living in the truth.


Back to myself.  I call myself a child of God yet i have short temper and i lie?  Leave me alone, i enjoy the grace of God that enables me to go to his throne of grace because that is where the righteous run into and they are safe.  I confess every time i see i have done wrong because the Holy Spirit convicts me to repent and walk in righteousness.  My purity is what God wants and that is why i put all my trust in him in hope he will save me from all the evil and guide me in the right path.  Therefore, in that state of mind he keeps me in his perfect peace because i am steadfast.  Hey Rose!  Today you are preaching.  Not really my dear friend.  Am expressing what the Lord is putting in my heart to share with you so that you can understand we a on a  journey and this journeys is based on putting all our trust in the Lord because of his love-kindness, mercy and faithfulness.  Not because of how good we are but because of his unconditional love for us.  And therefore being committed to him he gives us peace and joy that enables us live a joyful life even when things are not working well with us or going through a storm.


When i was reading the verse Isaiah 26:13, the word steadfast caught my eyes as i wanted to understand when you are steadfast what does it mean so that i will be kept in the perfect peace?  This is what it means: being loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable and reliable.  When you are all that to God.  The Bible tells us he will keep us in perfect peace.  Who can be in perfect peace in this world that is full of dramas and uncertainty?  You may ask.  Well, it means you do not practice the above virtues to enjoy the peace of God.


I was sharing with my best friend how a friend of mine when we were growing up went through a painful experience.  I will not call her by her real name lest you know her, but Faith was getting married.  We were in our twenties then.  As a single Mum i was really happy for her hopping one day,  I would get married and live happily thereafter as they say.  But in that happiness and joy, on her wedding day, the car her mother in-law was riding in got an accident and she died on the spot together with other family members i can remember the number.  Those news broke my heart terribly and wondered how did Faith cope with that pain of loss.  I mourned with her but i could not imagine the loss.   When, i looked at Faith she looked very okay and not very perturbed by the ordeal as i thought it would have affected her. Instead, she looked stable and at peace.  I kept on wondering what kept her in that peace?  Now i understand because she was very committed in church.  She loved the Lord with all her heart even from her actions.  But that did not spare her the pain majority of us go through; in the loss of our dear ones.  But what keeps us in perfect peace?  Only God can do that because he knows and understand us and can only allow what we can bear because he knows our fears and weaknesses. Let us read 1Corintians 10:13

'No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. '

1 Corinthians 10:13

So, as i pen off, are you steadfast in Christ so that you enjoy the peace of God that surpasses all understanding?  Lets see what Philippians 4:7 says;

'And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. [John 14:27] '

Philippians 4:7


Brothers and Sisters let me wish you all the best hoping to see you on Monday, 3rd June 2024 God willing for another sharing.  I hope i have spoken to your heart.  That is the message that the Lord put in my heart to share with you today.  Until next week, have a lovely week end. Bye!