Thursday, 28 May 2015


I hate politics but sometimes i am forced to engage in it once in a while as it is affecting me left, right, top and bottom.    When I pick newspapers and see how people react towards our President, I wish I was a fly, I fly all the way to their ears and be the irritating insect that jumps and enters in ones ear so that they become restless and uncomfortable, so that they can behave and know how to talk and especially to their President.  It is very painful to see the kind of leaders we have in our country, who are teaching our children bad manners and behaviours and we think we will ever bring change while we are impacting these phenomena so deeply through the children we are raising and leading.  It is sad when we sing all over how our President has failed and I wonder, do you want him to come even to your homes to lead your children.  Remember we are all leaders and we should start leading from our homes and not at the top country level only.  I know Kenyan’s are to be blamed because of the people they elect.  I will say this has been a scapegoat about the people we elect.  Remember there are many Kenyans who elect the right people but the ones who come to the leadership are the majority who are evil because they have manipulated people to sing their songs through their bribes,  fake promises where they take advantage of them using the very problems they have to be helped.  When someone comes and brings water, food and shelter for only a month we think that is the person who will help us, not knowing he is just blinding us with what we really need and that is the man we run for instead of looking for God and asking him to direct and connect us to the right people who are the few but are never put in positions just because they do not bribe and have no big support and crowds to back them up.  If you can stand before of a multitude and say words that are not worth to be said by someone like you ‘leader’ do you think you are doing good to your children and the people that are around you?  If you can also stand before men and tell them how you are going to bring change to them and when you get the position you are fighting about the money allocation and for the last two years you had the allocation that has not helped even a chicken, surely are you fighting for justice?     

I love the opposition but I hate the opposition that I see in Kenya in all areas it does not matter in homes, schools, work places, churches and the entire country.    The opposition we always get is not opposition to bring good change but fights, chaos, abuses, lack of respect, competition, jealous and many negative aspects that I have seen that I believe is not good opposition.  Today I want to talk as a leader from the blues but I have strong words to pass because I am this leader who is powerless but very powerful when it comes to expressing myself through my writings that are not published.  But I believe the few that will back me in the secret will stand with me and pray and ask God to give us wisdom so that we can affect and influence those that are around us positively and not negatively.  I am a fighter of justice, peace and harmony and I feel sad when I see everyone crying and looking for where to get help and they cannot.    May the Lord give us leaders who will focus on God and not human beings so that he can lead us in the right direction.   I love my country so much and I would never want anything bad to happen to my country and that is why I am waking up from my slumber and join those who are impacting the world in the silence and bring good and hope in our land.     

When a whole leader stands in a podium addressing the whole world and telling Kenyans how our President is operating under phobia and not looking so far what he has done, but just talk the negative instead of the positive, my heart bleeds as I say no to that and let me scream it out from my ribs.  You cannot be a leader way before my President was born and make noise towards him while you came in this world before him and you should be the one ruling and bringing all those changes and goodies you are talking about but not thwarting his efforts that he is trying to put to clean up the mess first that you left for him to come and lead from.  It hurts me so deep to see that, instead of supporting our President and helping him lead us well, you are there fighting him and making his leadership the hardest thing ever and you go on having sleepless nights making noise all over with your big mouth that can never be shut.  Instead of using the same big mount to proclaim peace, love and unity that will bring the good things we want in our country.  

Let me tell you today, you who is fighting the man God has elected.  You will pay a dear price for all what you are doing.  Remember it is not anyone who put President Uhuru Kenyatta in power.  It is God who did it.   It does not matter how you look at it.  That is your opinion only yourself can respect and can stand for.  But for us who know God and the God who we serve with our hearts, mind and soul.   We are convinced that He was picked by God. 

My point here as a Servant of God let me warn you all, before a calamity befalls all those who are making this reign difficult.  You will not see the goodness of the land when the Lord restores our country but your children will eat the fruit because they will be shocked by what the Lord will have done through you and it will be a big warning to them not to do what you are doing.    They will be forced to obey God and not a man because you are full of idols that you have made gods that have brought pain and havoc in our country.  No one is superior to our God and I will stand up and say, there is no man superior to God in our country Kenya.  Those gods you have put there so that you make them become a thorn in the flesh to our President Uhuru Kenyatta, God will strike them all and you will be shocked at what He is going to do soon.  He has already warned you through a few things he has done that have no explanations even after putting up forensics to see into them.  My dear friends you will be shocked by what the Lord is going to do.  You have become stubborn in the things of God and what you only want is the riches of this world and you have put the poor man in more pain and distress. The Lord in Heaven is seeing all this and when his wrath comes, no one should say we were never told.  My message today to everyone who is reading this message is, mind your big mouth and respect and honour the men in Authority.  If David himself could understand that point so clearly whereas he had all he had to kill that man (Saul) and take over because there were many chances for him to do that, but look at what that man of God did.  He waited for his time. But while he was waiting, he was not fighting Saul but he was serving his people fighting for them and defending them by doing things practically by fighting for them and giving the best example of leadership and not making noise that has no basis and fueling anger, pain and distress to the people.      I am posing a question for you leaders both in opposition and in the ruling parties.  My friends, what are you doing to the people that chose you, so that you bring change in their lives?  Were you put there to enrich yourselves and make all the mess we are seeing around us?  Look at our country, it is full of corruption, jealous, fights, diseases, fear, poverty, killings and many other things that we selected you to go and fight against, and especially for us people who are powerless but depend on you our leadership.  I am telling you those in leaderships, be it in the homes, villages, societies, communities, counties, countries, continents, and the entire world.  If you won’t stand in your places and influence the good that is expected, calamity is coming and will fall on us all because of ignorance, lack of obedience, self-control, greed, selfishness and injustice.  God in heaven is seeing all what is going on. We have taken advantage of the goodness that the Lord has given us and we are forgetting it is because God loves us Kenyans so much.   I wish we could have a glimpse of what other countries that are in torment and distress are going through.  That pain cannot even amount to our lack of food in our country for a day.  Why can’t we love God with all our heats, mind and soul and seek him so that he can show us the way?  I am not prophesying doom here, because God is speaking to us Kenyans. The rains can tell you of the love the Lord has for us Kenyans, the vegetables are singing in awesome of our God.  Look at our country a day like today 29th May 2015.  It has taken many years to see such a climate and the food that is all over for us.  That is a sign that the Lord has heard our cry for those that are praying in our private places.  The Church has cried to God and asked for forgiveness from the Lord.  He has heard us, as the Lord is telling it all through the land vegetation and the green from the rains.    My dear friends let us respect God and love him with all our hearts.  To the Church, the Lord has heard our prayers and He says let us not give up on Him.  He is faithful and He is in control.  He has given the mandate to the Church and we are continuing to pray.  But he is saying let us not see the green and the plenty in the land so that we stop praying and trusting him.  He says let us continue loving him and walk in purity and obedience. He is going to do great things in our Land.  He is going to restore us and give us all what the devil has always fought against us.  But he tells us not to stop praying, fasting and obeying his word.  Arise! you who are called by him to serve him in the little and in the big places.  You have been placed by God and the Lord will lift and honour you.   He will restore your family, He will restore your homes, He will heal your land.  He will heal your bodies, He will bring hope where it has never been, He will crown his minority to majority, He will wipe all our tears, He will put gladness in our hearts. He will comfort us because it has not been easy in a long time, He will be lifted and glorified in this place our Land KENYA.

Lord hear us and come for us.  We need you every day in everything we do.  LONG LIVE KENYA!  Lord guide, direct, protect and give our President Uhuru Kenyatta  and his team wisdom, favour and patience to takes us to the next level. In Jesus Name I pray!  AMEN!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Are we sailing in the same boat when you wonder like me why Jesus had to tell Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.’  Those who are Christians are familiar with that verse I have just quoted.  For those who are not, I will give you a chance to read it in Matthew 16:23.  It will not break any arm if you read the whole chapter including the verse to understand better.  By reading it, it may even make more sense/or get the gist to understand what I want to talk about.  The concerns of God that Jesus was talking about were the hidden things that we do not know about us, but are revealed to us as mystery through Him (Son of God Jesus Christ).  These are called the Spiritual matters in other words. 

I have been going to church for many years and I have read that verse many times, but I have never understood why Jesus had to tell a friend that.  I felt somehow he was too hash to Peter and every time I read that, I did not want to be fooled that Jesus was calling Peter an enemy whereas I knew they were good friends and actually one of his favourite disciple and i am happy i did not do that as my Pastor through his preaching confirmed to me that, he was not trying to pin him down as many of us would think.  As I read more before, I always felt that Jesus was unfair to Peter forgetting I was judging from my human perspective and Jesus was judging from the Spiritual perspective, that is, according to Gods interpretation and not my thinking and understanding.  Peter was just trying to convince him not to die as he is a good person and does not deserve to die. Imagine a friend who you always walk with, eat with, fellowship with, preach with and do many other things with, telling you such a thing as, 'Get behind me, .......  I mean, I would feel very offended.  Many times our friends tell us things and we get so offended to a point that we do not even talk to them anymore.  Unfortunately, we do not get the point or misinterpret them to be bad people yet may be they meant it good for us telling us the truth who we really are but we never like being told who we really are especially when we are doing wrong knowing or unknowingly.      Can I also make you ponder on what Peter felt when he was called a Satan?  As for me as I was not there, I will guess that he felt so offended and no wonder we see him denying Jesus three times later.    Was he revenging because Jesus told him all that, or was he just being human where he wanted to save his life so that he is not implicated as we always do when we find ourselves on crossroads and fear to be associated with our friends especially when they are in problems?   We cannot really tell but this story is not different from our day in and out behaviors towards one another.  Peter is not an exceptional nor are you, as we are all human beings and we are bound to fall short of the glory of God.  Remember Jesus knew everything that Peter was going to do and as much as he knew that, he did not put him aside and said, this one, will deny me at some point I do not need him as a friend, or he is not someone I can trust.  Remember Jesus was doing everything with him even in His knowledge that he would deny him at some point, cut someone’s ear and doubt him when he gets in the middle of the water when he called him and many other things that are not recorded in the Bible to get the gist even clearer.  These are the things that we do always in our daily life.  Denying our Lord by mistreating others, doubting God when we are going through storms, defending sin, or murmuring and grumbling when things are not working our way just to mention a few.  But Jesus made Peter his best friend still even with all these struggles he had.  This applies to us too, as in, Jesus does not call you because you qualify, but he calls you because you were disqualified but qualifies you as you walk with him daily.    To him it did not matter about Peter’s weaknesses or shortcomings.   What mattered is that the will of God would be done as he had ordained it through him.  We also see Peter's role and presence was also ordained as we see he became one of the biggest teachers of the word after Jesus died and resurrected.       

There was to be a story behind his dying on the cross and Peters role, plus Judas  and others were meant to be so that the prophesy can be fulfilled.  Now I understand why Peter was really against Jesus dying for us.  As in, would you want anyone that you love with all your heart dying for you in real sense?  Most of the time as human beings, we always want good for our family, friends and those that really matter to us.  For me, I find Peter a very good and caring person who would never want anything bad to anyone and especially his best friend Jesus.  I still now understand from my Pastors preaching on Sunday that, Jesus was not calling Peter Satan, but what the Satan was saying through Peter.  You will wonder can someone who knows God especially in our case, someone like Peter, speak something from the evil one? Most of the time we think as Christians, Satan cannot use us to carry his mission.  I will shock you, most of the times he does use us because when you look around you, the evil that is there is too much and yet we claim to be Christians 80% in case of Kenya for example.    I can’t mention about other parts of the world, as I can’t fathom the number of us who are Christians and the things we do that are so evil instead of influencing the world positively to curb the evil that is around us.    May the Lord have mercy on us!     When you call yourself a Christian and you go backbiting others, speak ill of others, analyze/judging others negatively, lying, taking advantage of others, feeling superior than others, not taking care of the weak ones and orphans, not respecting our elders and thinking we are of the same age, not obeying God in the very many ways he speaks to us, making this world a fighting ground, not respecting authorities, and being corrupt and doing injustice things, not having mercy and compassion and many other things we do that offend God, are we not being used of the evil one and we claim to be children of God?    Now get this, Peter was innocently defending Jesus as a friend and responded to him just as a human being.  Just as we do defend one another whether they are in the right or wrong as we always want good for our own.    But Jesus death was for a greater cause and mission that the devil knew very well and he could not allow it happen because it would have saved even that Peter as we see Jesus died for us all and not for some.  Unfortunately, the devil has been lying to most of us just as He was manipulating Peter not to understand that Jesus death was for a good cause, and thus, many people fear salvation or even fear to say they are saved/born-again when they are because they think to be saved you have to be very holy forgetting that we can never be Holy it is only Jesus who is Holy as he died for us so that we can be set free. We are only meant to understand that He is the Son of God; He came to earth and died for our Sins so that we can have a fellowship with God because when we (Adam and Eve) sinned there was a gap that needed a bridge so that we can reach God.  That bridge was no one else but Jesus Christ the Son of God.    That mentality of thinking that once you receive Christ you should not slip has made everyone scale Christians so highly posing it to look like if you are a Christian, you should never fall and if you do then that is so bad of you and people start talking about you and making it a big fuss. I am not defending sin here my dear friends, but I want to put my point clear here and now that, you can never be Holy on your own.  It is only through Jesus that you can be made Holy as you will always sin but our God is very merciful  and willing to forgive you and me as many times as possible as we work towards our perfection through him who perfects us and not ourselves.   This attitude has made many people even those who know Jesus deny him just like Peter as they can never say in public they are born again because of the sins that are entangling them in fear to be judged.    As I write this I will not tell you I am writing all this because I am not holier than thou.  I am saying this boldly that I am a sinner and I also get short of the glory of God now and then, but when he corrects me, rebukes me, I always go back to him and ask for forgiveness and my God is so faithful, this far he has brought me from the dungeons of the evil one to his best place of having a good and sweet fellowship with him personally.  I have come to realize most of the time when we are born again we think that there are things we can’t do or rather you think you keep yourself away from sin.   I will tell you, that is a lie  no man that can save himself and walk holy even if they lock themselves in a room where they will not mingle with sinners.    As a Christian you will fall many times but you will wake up, repent and go to your next level after you win the temptation.    It is only Jesus the Son of God who was assigned this mission to die for you and me so that we can be called the righteous of God and live a Holy life.   Without him we can never be Holy.  We face God because Jesus is our righteousness as He died for us and now we have peace with our God and we can face him directly through his Son Jesus Christ.  There is a lie we have always clung on that there are some people who are holier than others and we seek them to lay hands on us so that we can be blessed of the lord and be healed from all our sickness, be forgiven our sins as we think when they pray that is when God will hear them and forgive us.   We have been blinded so much by those who claim to be more holier or powerful making us think their prayers are more heard than ours, and many many things we do in the name of looking for health, wealth and forgiveness forgetting that Jesus is the only way the truth and the life.  No one goes to the Father except through him.   If you are his child you have all it takes to be used of the Lord through his Power for his glory.   If you know the power God has given you, you would not go seeking for other people to do anything for you, but have a personal relationship with him who will reveal to you many wonderful things that he has in store for you that you can’t think of or imagine.   You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.  If you do not know Jesus as your Lord, I wonder who helps you reach him because if you do it on your own, then your prayers and works are futile and they will earn you nothing but hell. 

Happy are you who has given your life to the Lord not only your live but your will to him as your Lord and Savior.  Jesus did it for you once and for all on the cross, and  what you only need to do is to surrender yourself fully to him and he will direct the other things in place.    Not because when you do that you will not fall.  No! But because he did or rather died for you 2000 years ago, then you should not walk in guilt and fear of the unknown but walk with confidence that even if you fall, he will hold your hand and bring you back on the track so that you continue with the journey.  As in, you won’t walk alone he will be with you in all you go through, that is, your falling, your storms and all other things that you will meet on your way.  He will enable you overcome and crown you his servant.     Even if you will fall, you will realize your mistake and repent and seek him more so that you overcome all your weaknesses.  In the process of doing so, you will understand it is not you who called yourself but he called you just the way you are and as you continue having a fellowship with him, then, he will make you Holy just as He is because every temptation that will come your way, He will deal with it together with you and affirm you that it is over.  Jesus telling Peter go away you Satan did not mean he hated Peter or he had no value for Peter, it was just that he was speaking to the Satan himself because he knew the world (evil one and his agents) would have loved him not dying for his people and continue keeping them captive not excluding Peter whom the devil was taking advantage of.  We see he never hated Peter because even after he rose again, he appeared to him and other disciples confirming to them that truly He was God and no wonder he gave Peter the mandate to take care of his sheep (people) and proclaim Him all over the world that He is Lord.  And because Peter was set free he started a new journey with the Lord as a person who was set free and ready to be used of him and continued serving God in a mighty way.    

I guess sometimes we ought to rebuke the Satan in our own lives so that we can be set  free as still, there are those who are in the world of darkness and have not seen the light or ignored the light and sought to lead themselves.   Most of the time the things that hold us back, make us not enjoy life to the fullest because we live a lie with the enticements from the evil one who makes us lose the mark making things look like they are fine and okay whereas we are leading us to death/hell.     For example you are born again but you still practice things that are not good that have made you stagnate in your relationship with God, can you rebuke them and say as Jesus said to Satan, You adultery! You hypocrite!  You gossiper! You liar!  You intimidate!  You prostitute! You robber! You hater!  You silent criminal!  You cigarette!  You brothel!  You beer! You pornography! And many other things that you know are hindering you having a relationship with Jesus.  Can you rebuke them now and tell God to help you.  I know some might doubt if this can happen just like that.     I will tell you from deep my heart, you can rebuke all that and others if you just accept you are not walking right with God and ask for forgiveness.   God is faithful and just and will forgive you your sins and purify you from all your unrighteousness because if we claim we have no sin we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.  So, we all need Jesus every day in our life.  No one is exceptional here. We need to have a personal walk with him so that he can guide and direct us to  walk in righteousness and be used of him for his purpose and glory.  May the Lord help you to know exactly where you stand so that you can start a fresh with him.  If you are a backslider or you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour then do that very soon.  Do not waste any more time.  Visit one of the Bible believing Churches and connect with other believers. Your life will never be the same.  God bless you all.

Friday, 8 May 2015


God has not yet finished with you.  You have a long way to go in order for him to give up on you.  You may start doubting me murmuring in your heart that, ‘Rose, I wish you know what I have done in my life and the many sins I have done.  Ooh!  Can God really even want to look at me?’  I will tell you, you are not the only one.  I got saved when I was in form two.   I have backslid so many times.  I have done things I have never imagined I would do in my life but still I have never given up on my God who is so forgiving.  I have also not given up on myself as I know God is a God of many chances and He is excited when I fall and wake up and not when I fall and sleep there.  Salvation is a journey and for me to reach to the mark point, I will fall many times, but when I am focused on the mark, I will do all it takes in order to finish my race even if it will take me how long.  I have purposed even at my very weakest point, I will still wake up and continue with this journey as I know I am not alone, God is with me.  

The Lord has given you so many chances so that you can repent and come back to him.  You might be in church or you used to be in church and there are those things that made you go back because of the shame that brought about a  disconnect between you and God, I will tell you, my dear friend, come back to the Lord and He will restore you and make you whole.  It does not matter what! 

I have always talked about my stories, but today I will talk about a story I heard on Family Radio 316 today the 8th May 2015, about God restoring one, Ann.   I may not exactly say what Ann said, but I will write what I can remember about her story to speak to you who is struggling and wondering, can God really hear my cry, forgive me and restore me really?   I will tell you once again, yes! He is capable and very willing to restore you.    You only need to identify with him and tell him the truth that you admit you were wrong and you got short of his glory but this time round if you really mean it, you want to go back to him.  He will restore you.

Ann was a Pastor’s daughter. To make the matter more juicy, she was a last born child of 4 siblings.  You can imagine she was the cream of the family. Everyone adored her in the family as a last born.  This girl was all it takes to be a good sweet girl.  She was able to pass her exams and she went to this good school.  Ann was doing well in school.  As a Pastor’s girl, she was a role model as she was entrusted with responsibilities as a leader in her school as a Christian Union (CU) secretary at some point, when she was in fourth form.  But while she was in form two, she remembers very well she met this handsome boy who was a neighbour at home and started a relationship.  I know to many young girls and boys  and those who remember their youthful days, this is the period we all start knowing who we really are.  In form one, we are usually so naive and new to the secondary school environment and we are there starting our new life with no clue what is awaiting us. But after form one we can make choices on what we really want in life and this happens mostly when we join form two.  It may drag for those who are slow and come in at form three and four but for the fast ones like me, it can really dawn on you by the time you are realizing, you are kilometers away.    But thank God the grace of God is sufficient.  This is the stage we make good or bad choices that will influence our future.  Ann the good girl,  was thrilled by this relationship and kept it very cautiously.     Not forgetting the man was not born again.  She did not mess at all.  The foundation she had from her background as a Pastor’s daughter, enabled Ann to keep her purity as many of girls manage, though others get overwhelmed and thus lose their dignity and virginity that time.  For her, it was a walk over. One time while she was in church, her Pastor did something that he never used to do in that church where he called people to go on stage for prayers and Ann was one of them.  While they were praying the lady who was holding her hand on one side after the prayers, told her, ‘I have a word for you, there is a man in your life whom you should cut links with.’  Ann was shocked as how come this lady was able to know that and it has always been a secret as she knew there was nothing bad she had done so far with him?    She doubted the woman and felt that, the word was not from God but thought she was malicious and suspicious just like most of the time we get such utterances from people and think they are purely malicious and suspicious.    To make it even worse, she imagined she does not even know her nor did she know her that much, though she always saw her in church.  She wondered, ‘How could she think badly about me?’   Those thoughts, made her not take her word seriously but went on with her life and never bothered to cut the links with her sweet boyfriend.  Most of the time we do not want to be told something like that.  I have been there and I tell you the truth as a woman when you are engrossed in a relationship whether it is working or not, no one can remove you from it. Until something terrible happens to you, then you realize, such a prophecy that Ann was given should have beckoned to her some red light somewhere.
Anyway days passed and she managed to finish her fourth form successfully with no hitches.  The relationship went on well from form two and this time round after school, it became so intense to the point that it was hard to separate them.  The young man joined campus and things were flowing well and the woman’s prophesy of doom did not pass and this kept on encouraging Ann that, she was still in a good relationship.  Unfortunately, something happened to them that they fell in sin and got pregnant.  This time round, the woman’s warning became a reality to her and said truly I have fallen I hope this will not bring punishment from God to me for I have fallen?  Still she couldn’t imagine the shame to her parents and all those who knew she was born again.  She went down.  Lucky enough, she was bold to tell her parents who did not judge her nor ignore her as she feared from her thoughts how the message will spar anger on them.  They gave her all the support parents give their children but they were also overwhelmed with the shame and the talk that culminated from this state the daughter had because everyone knew they were Pastor's and wondered why would a pastor's daughter get pregnant a situation that befalls many pastors children.  Posting it that, they should be the last people to be seen sinning and yet they are human like any of us who are not pastor's children.  We should stop pinning down pastors children with giving them so much ratings just because they are pastors children.  THEY ARE ALSO HUMAN AND CAN FALL JUST LIKE ANY OTHER PERSON.    Nevertheless, they did not give up on their daughter but stood with her until she got her baby, a state that made her not even step to a church solely when she was pregnant as she felt unworthy and very ashamed.  Even if she would go to church once in a while, she would not really be the one going but taking either a friend or a cousin just to please and make them happy after a long struggle to invite her to church.  Ann was happy with her baby but the shame and anger that went through her mind could not allow her be in a relationship with God as she used to in the past. Things drastically changed in her life and she was no longer the same girl she used to be, the one who loved God with all her heart, soul and mind. 

She continued with the relationship though it was not really easy as the young man was in campus and he could not much.  The parents to Ann are the ones who took all the responsibility of bringing her child up, not excluding her.  Things were going on well with the support from the parents.  Unfortunately, she fell again in the same trap and got pregnant with the same man, but this time round, it was even tougher for her as she didn’t know what to tell her parents.  She used her friend to break the news but to her shock, her parents still did not ignore her or reject her for making the same mistake.  They told her there is nothing that will hinder them from loving and taking care of her and her children.  So she should not think this will change who they are to her.   I really see God in this scenario that, our God is not a God who will give up on us that easily.  He will always have mercy on us and especially if there is a lesson he wants you to learn the hardest way so that he can use the same testimony to take you to the next level and use you as a role model to others and a mentor so that they cannot take the same route you took.   Back to her story, so it was so hard for Ann to fathom the second mistake and it overwhelmed her health-wise, as this time round the second pregnancy was not as interesting as the first one was, as she had many challenges to a point that when she was giving birth, doctors detected something that they were not very sure of that they hid about her baby as she could see from their gestures when attending to her.  God did a miracle as that baby was born normally not forgetting the way she prayed to God so earnestly as it was evidenced in the hospital because she was ministering and praying to other women in the hospital. Her ministry of being an intercessor that is a worshiper and a prayer worrier was born from what she was going through during that time.  That is the time she can vividly attest she earnestly prayed and fasted and saw God’s hands throughout the pregnancy.  Imagine that is the time she was supposed to be eating well for the sake of the baby, but it was the other way round as she prayed and fasted as often as possible.  Let me say, she was filled with the Holy Spirit as she was praying and ministering to women she was with in the ward though she was in pain and wanted a miracle too in her hospital bed as she was giving birth.   God did a miracle.  She got her baby safely in a very good condition.  She could not hide her joy as she was able to overcome that battle.  She left the hospital and went on with her life but she did not go back to the Lord still as she felt even filthier.  She went through a lot of anger, pain, depression and ulcers.  Every time she would hear someone preaching from anywhere, name it Radio, TV, Church or around her on anything that touched on her failures she would switch off as she really condemned and walked in guilt.  Fortunately, there is this one time she had guts and listened to someone’s testimony who had a very bad accident though he survived it, but  the Lord spoke to him while he was in ICU.  He said God spoke to him and told him its either he repents or he will surely die and go to hell.  He is giving him the last chance at ICU to repent so that he can serve him or else if he refuses then he will not make it.   This guy could not hesitate but gave his life to the Lord and he was healed.  He purposed to live for God when he got out of hospital. That testimony spoke to Ann’s life that she also resolved to go back to her God.   Today, Ann is a servant of God.  She is an intercessor and a missionary who ministers to young people in Schools, Churches and all over.  Currently God has restored to her even though the man who she gave birth with  finally rejected her when she got pregnant with her second baby.  She purposed not to tell him that she was pregnant because she did not want him to take her because of mercy now that she was pregnant for the second time.  She took the bitter herb to be a single mother with her two children.  The young man married someone else who was non other but her good friend.  She tried to justify the relationship by abusing and intimidating Ann, calling her names and saying her boyfriend was not the father of her children, a challenge that she also managed to handle with the help of her parents who have always been there for her.  Ann today is a student at St. Paul University, where she is undertaking her first degree.   I guess If I heard her well saying on Counseling and Psychology if I am not wrong and if I am, for those who heard correct me and let us understand that my main point here was to tell everyone reading this, that, God restored to her, her joy by going back to the Lord and now serving Him with all her might.  Today she is living her purpose as she is now in school studying for a bigger course.  This encourages you that, it does not matter all what you have gone through, what you missed out or anything you lost.  When God comes calling you to go back to him do not hesitate, take the opportunity and He will restore you to a point that you will be left amazed.  There is a saying that I hear many people say, that, it does not matter so much how you started but what matters most is the way you end.  

 My dear friend, there is hope; you should not give up on yourself neither on God.  God is our restorer He is always waiting to restore you and make you all what He has always wanted you to become.  Last Sunday I took a bold step to go at the alter where the man of God was preaching.  I was overwhelmed with the summon and what the Lord told me about starting a fresh with him and surrendering everything to him.  That summon made me respond to the call.   That is the best thing that the Lord did to me,  as not many days later after that,  I was given an assignment to preach in Church on the Mother’s day on 10th May 2015 that is coming.  What a joy to be back in the Lord and to be used of him.  It is such a sweet and good restoration that i thank my God for.    To me, I believe God commissioned me to start the Ministry he has been cooking in me.  I give him all the glory and honour because he is a good God to me.  He can also restore you as he did to Ann and me.  Won’t you give him a chance to receive him and renew your relationship with him today?  Just say this prayer and you will be ushered to his Kingdom once again.  Or if you have never given your life to the Lord before, then you can say this prayer as well.  Believe in your heart that God has forgiven you and accept that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour, that He died so that you can have life and have it abundantly and reconcile you back to God. 

Lord Jesus, I come to you today, I am a sinner, please forgive me.  Wash me with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ and write my name in the book of life. Help me to walk in my new walk with you and let me not be the same again.    In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!