other day on my Facebook Page (,
I wrote a note and at the end of if, I asked a much emphasized question, “Who will help me to be silent?” Of course no one came aboard to answer to my
call. So, what did I do? I decided to make a trial to keep silent for
once and mind my business. How did I do
that? I stopped posting/writing,
forwarding, liking, commenting and the rest to keep a quiet life so that I can
help myself with peace that all the silent ones gain. To be honest, this is a prison that I would
never want to be in, for any other moment.
But if it will bring me no fights
around me, then I will try to practice at least a percentage and not 100% that has
made me feel like I am in a prison.
my shock, all those that used to be silent, I have seen them doing the same
thing I have been doing and I am happy seeing people being real and bringing
out who exactly they are; and now one does not need to judge them for being
real but emulating them for coming out clearly and not pretending to be what
they are not. To my surprise, one lady I
have been thinking she is a “know it all” came out so loud and clear and she
really vented on Facebook. At the end of
the day, she is a very happy person now because she cleared her chest. I remember seeing her telling her attackers
off on Facebook, point blank and she never minded on what the other person felt
because that is their especially when one decided to look at you in a negative
way and correctly you in an incorrect manner.
That is being bold and being what God created you to be. Of course in the process she was corrected
and affirmed and today she is a changed person because she took some critics
serious and went back on her drawing board and bought some ideas she never had,
but got from the critics whether good or bad.
What she never wanted she discarded but what she needed, she took it and
it made a whole difference as today she is enjoying her life like any other
is so hurting to see people around you especially those who call themselves
children of God walking and living a lie.
It is also unfortunate that people will always want you to be what you
are not so that they can silence you, especially when they know there is
something great inside you. It is the
high time today; you search your soul and know exactly who you are in relation
to your creator. Remember everyone came
here with a purpose and you should never live anybody’s purpose, but your
purpose alone. Many people are living
people’s purposes and unfortunately because it was never meant for them, that
purpose has never moved from the first step because, they do not know what
next. You picked a position in an office
that was meant for someone else and today you are stuck. You invaded someone’s marriage and you took
over only to kill the family you tore apart and you are heading nowhere with
that man you stole from an innocent woman.
You pretended to be the one and
this young man or woman saw a good thing and married you a camouflage and the
next thing the poor man or woman is doing today is looking for a divorce. You corrupted your way out and you got
whatever it is that you got and today you are stuck. My dear friends, today, I want to break my
silence and say, be the one and never let anyone make you become the one. What am I talking about? You are the only person who understands
yourself better in good and in bad. Can
you take a personal trip and know exactly who you are and not what people are
saying you are. Work on your positive
attributes by making them come out so strongly and the negative ones you take time
to change to be positive. Change will never come in a day, change is a process.
And if you want to agree with me, if you ask God to help you bring out the good
change, it will be a better thing to do and not relying on human beings.
people think when you have a mentor, that person is 100%. I will tell you, mentors are also human
beings and they also have their limitations.
But if you will depend on a mentor who depends on God fully, then that
mentor can help you out through the help of God. I am not saying people should not have
mentors, what I am saying is this, for you to get any change in your life, you
have to be the one who will come up with the change and not your mentor. Mentors are there to give you a guidance and
accountability so that you can achieve your desired goal.
I was privileged to listen to Radio 316 (
And they were talking about “Sponsors”. Well, this is a topic that is going viral in
our country today (Kenya) because one of our artists has sang a song in
relation to sponsors and the guy to me was or is trying to tell us that we
should look at “JESUS” as our only
sponsor ( I know I may or will get many critics from my
writing, but my point is this, we all come from different backgrounds and to be
honest we see things in a very different angle.
Whether you like the song or not, whether you like the singer or not,
the fact remains, you only need Jesus as your only source of hope and life and
not human beings and other funny sources. All the material things and other worldly
things will pass away but Jesus will remain your God and he alone will give you
life, and life in abundance. “John 10:10.
The thief comes only to steal and kill
and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
I want to talk to the children of God. I
do not want to talk about our artists and the songs they are making. I do not want to be a judge here in relation
to them because we have called them names and we have also opinions that are so
real and genuine in relation to them, but remember you are nowhere a
judge. It is only God who will judge us “2nd Chronicles 19:7, Now let the fear of the LORD be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God
there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.” We
know most of them have stopped the real praise and worship of our God, but I will
say we might judge them but maybe we are worse than them, remember no one is
righteous not even one “Romans 3:10- 18
As it is written: There is no one
righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who
seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is
no one who does good, not even one.
Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. |Their mouths are full of cursing and
bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed
blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
is only God who is supposed to be our judge because he is the only one
righteous and let him remain God “John 1:18. No one has ever seen God, but
the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in the closest relationship with
the Father, has made him known.” If
God has given you a gift to go out there to praise yourself, then, that is your
problem with your God and he will deal with you so amicably. But my point here
was not to come and condemn anyone or praise anyone, I came here to pass a
message to us all that, as the children of God, we should go back to the basics
of serving God in truth and in spirit.
What our artist Gimmy Gait is
trying to tell us about Sponsors from his song is that, you should trust in
God fully in everything you do, in your entire life.
I say this, I mean, do not just show us on Facebook how good you are, how
beautiful you are, how rich you are, how you have a good family and so on and
so forth. Just let us see your goodness
in all areas, at home, at work, in church at the market place and even in the
darkness. What am I talking about? When you give yourself to the sponsors of
this world like the witch doctors, adultery, fornication, prostitution,
corruption, injustice, crime, drugs, gossips, manipulations, intimidation, insensitivity,
love of money name them because they are many.
My friend you have chosen all that to be your “Sponsors”. What I mean is that you have made all these
evil things/activities to dominate and rule your life instead of letting God be
your everything. What am I saying? Gimmy might have used the word “SPONSOR” to
sell his song but let me tell you, that term is well used in this sense that,
children of God we have to go back to the drawing board and search for God with
all our hearts, soul and mind. In the
world of today, it is very hard to know who is a Christian and who is not. We have taken so much of the circular and we
have brought it to church so that we can make the church attractive and bring
people back to God. Unfortunately we
have failed because; when these people come to church we have made them
comfortable to live in sin because they are giving us something in church and
bringing more but we have failed in the part of nurturing them so that they can
bring fourth what God has put in them for his kingdom and we have taken
advantage of their numbers and giving instead of capitalizing on their changes
in a godly way, then we are very wrong. We have forgotten the
mandate of the church that, it is not a place for entertainment but for transforming lives in
living a righteous life, loving one another and winning souls to Christ for
eternity. That point can give us a hint
as to why there is a lot of fighting in church and people are not agreeing.
Because we have brought the world in the church instead of taking Christ to the
World and bringing them to church and help them become by walking with them and
appreciating who they are and helping them in their transformation so that they
can be used of God to win others out there. So, if you call yourself a child of God, what
role are you doing in church to bring the change? Do you just sit down and just be counted in
the number doing nothing but warming the seat and listening to all what your
Pastor is teaching you and keeping it to yourself instead of now going out and
bring more to get the change that you got and continue multiplying to the
Kingdom of God. Let us take part in
bringing the Church where it belongs and not celebrating when the Church is
being pointed at and think it is only the Pastors who are getting the
blame. We are all Pastors at our point
of reach, because we are all called Saints.
All of us, we will give an account on what we did in the presence of our
am not a perfect woman, but my journey with Christ has taught me so much that
will not equate to my note writing such a time.
But what I want to tell us teachers of the Word, we need to go back to
the basics and make sure that we are doing what the Lord told us to do in “Matthew 28: 19-20. Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age.”
As a child of God, where are you spiritually? Remember you were just an infant when you
received Christ, but you need to grow now and stop being a child. When you come in the house of God and you are
received just the way you are, do not remain where you are. You should seek to have an intimate
relationship with Christ so that he can perfect you. When you come to church and you are received
with all what manner of baggage you have and one walks with you and teaches you
the things of God, why don’t you want to change and grow in him so that God can
use you for his purpose and not your purpose?
Remember when you will go to heaven you will not go with your Pastor, “Sponsor”,
your parents, friends, boss, teacher name all the people you replace God
with. We should all seek to please God and
not mortal human beings. “Romans 1:21-22 makes it clear that, “For
although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to
him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although
they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the
immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and
animals and reptiles.” Anything that you value more than God that is an
idol “sponsor”. It does not matter what it is. Some of you it is a husband, children,
business, relationships, career and many others. Remember in our world of today, we have even
made mortal beings to be our gods! Lord
have mercy on us!
dear friends, it is very good to be what God created you to be in order to be
used of him in good and not in bad. If
you are wise, use your wisdom to bring change in the kingdom of God. If God has given you leadership qualities,
use that quality for the glory of God and not to be honoured and praised like a
king. If God has given you wealth, why can’t
you use that wealth to expand the kingdom of God by helping the poor, needy and
supporting the work of God. Everyone has
a part to play in the Kingdom of God and it is not about us, our fame and our celebrity. We have taken all the glory that is meant to
be God’s and that is too wrong. This
actually comes out so clearly in the house of God. It is the high we changed the concept we
have in Church today and stop playing the entertainment thing but to live for Christ
in truth and in spirit. Why live a
lie? May the Lord help us to see the
point and not the pointer so that we can bring the change we need today in the Church. May he open our eyes so that we can see the
wonderful things he has in store for us and not depend on any man but on him
alone who is the creator and finisher of all what he has created and that is
you, me and the entire world.
on all that and seek to please God and not human beings and be yourself and
work out on your flaws as the Lord helps you, and never allow anyone to put you down or
pin you down because they know your weaknesses, flaws, failures, lacks and all
that, and allow them to look down upon you. Arise! You are a worthy being and no one
should make you feel useless because in God’s eyes you are important even if
you are a sinner. He only wants you to
surrender to him and let him be your King and Lord of your life and from there,
you will have a personal relationship with him, that will lead you to greatness
through his guidance and love and your life will never be the same. Try Jesus today and you will see the
a lovely day my dear reader. You make my
world when you read my note to the end.
May the Lord bless you, may he open doors for you and hear your cry when
you call him. He is a faithful God who loves us all equally. So come to the
throne of grace with full of confidence because he will meet you at the very point
of your need and he will help you. Glory be to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen!