Thursday, 12 July 2012


I know many people do not understand the things of Holy Spirit because they do not understand them. I will say you can only understand the Holy Spirit if you are filled by him because you can’t see him. Sometimes I also get scared when the Holy Spirit is ministering to me too because some things he shows me and guides me in are so weird and you wonder if the Holy Spirit did not guide you what would have happened?

In the recent past I had some issues in my life that I only understood them through the Guidance of the Holy Spirit. I could try to explain myself out but only a few got me and understood me.  I always get excited when I fellowship with people who understand the Holy Spirit because the things of Holy Spirit are never seen with the naked eyes but through the unseen eyes.  You have to be truly wired to the Holy Spirit to be able to interpret what you are going through when in good or bad situations.  

Well, sometimes it can get fearful what the Holy Spirit reveals to us what goes behind our backs.  I will say when I am going through a hard time the Holy Spirit speaks so clear that I sound weird though am not wired. I thank God for sending to us the Holy Spirit because as Jesus told his disciples that He would send them a helper (Holy Spirit).  This helper is so real in our world and I just love my experiences with him because he is a comforter, a counselor and a very good friend if you invite him to fellowship with him.  If I was not having a fellowship with him I do not know how I would have come out of the cage of the lion that I was thrown but he helped me through his guidance, wisdom, comfort and more so sensitivity.  As much as I looked crazy I bet with you he helped me a great deal to deal with a dreadful situation in my life that has left me fearful and worried.  I am not advocating any fear or worry but once in a while in this life as a human being we go through very tough situation and naturally we get scared and worried.  As I come out of what I have been going through in my recent past because I am coming to terms to it but appreciate more of the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit. 

Sometimes we Christians go through a very tough time when spreading the good news because many do not understand the Good News.  Normally we are rejected, ridiculed, abused and the list is endless, but the fact is, Jesus is Lord and no one can object that.  He is the true Son of God and as a Christian we will preach Him.  I did not before understand why many reject Him but now I understand they even crucified him on the cross without knowing who He was.  What about when they are not seeing him in person as they really want to see him to believe in Him?  It is even worse that they reject him even more.  The thing here is I will not stop preaching about Him because He alone set me free and today am a free person.  Of this I really know because he has taken care of me even on very tough times and when I am in Joy.  Jesus I love you and I thank you that you died for me and you have given me this other chance to share about you Lord.  You are mighty and glory goes to you Lord.  There is no one like you!  I will live for you and I will proclaim of you always.  Thank you for saving my life and taking care of me throughout the ordeal.  If it were not for you oh! Lord, I do not know what it could have been.  All glory and honour goes to you my King and Lord. You alone you reign and you reign forever more! Amen!

It sounds funny when you share the things of God and there are those who cannot understand them. I thank the Lord that He made me His and today I share in His Victory and amazing love that He showed me on the Calvary.  If you do not know Christ, right away receive Him and He will show you the wonderful things that he has in store for you in his Word.  You will be amazed even when we are going through a tough time the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you.  He will be there for you.   Sometimes we doubt especially when things are so tough that even yourself cannot believe you have or you are going through them.  Until the time lapses and you are like! What?  Did I go through all that?  And you are elevated to another level where the Lord wants you to be and it is a matter of time when you ask of Him when you get your healing the Lord will indicate to you especially what He wants with your life.  It might not be very clear when you are in a storm, but wait it finishes and the Lord reveals himself real in your life, then you understand why you had to go through that storm so that you can proclaim him higher and serve him in a higher notch than your used time.

Brethren let us embrace our Lord and Share Him without fear. Remember he has not given us the spirit of fear as much as we get scared when we are going through storms. He only wants to elevate us to a higher level so that he can make use of us in a daily basis.  Where are you, in that big storm, just came out of one, fearing of another one coming?  Do not worry be still because God is in control and He is the LORD.  As I am writing this I am just from a storm and am wondering Lord will I get another one greater than this?  Am scared Lord help me and take care of me it is not easy but with you Lord it is easy. Give me courage Oh! Lord and restore my joy.  I need you Lord,  you alone understands and knows me better. 

Be encouraged you who is down today and know that the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you.  He will carry you with his wings and walk you away from your storms and restore you.  Is it about your marriage, trials of the evil one, name them. The Lord will see you through.  Be encouraged as I am encouraging myself too and be glad that you are a child of the most High God!  He liveth and He is very real.  He cares about you and He knows you.  You are his child and He knows what you are going through. 

He will come for you and take care of all you fears and worries. He alone understands them. Be encouraged and know that the Lord is watching over you day in day out.  It does not matter the scheme that the devil has against you behind your back.  The Lord is seeing you and he is watching over you.  He sends his angles to guard you.  You may not see them but he does and that is why He sent the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, hold, carry, counsel and the rest good things so that you can enjoy the life that he has given you.

Be encouraged once more since as I am writing this, am also encouraging myself.  Do not be scared just trust in the Lord and He will see you through.   Have a blessed time.

Friday, 30 March 2012



Today I am really excited because of what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me in my day to day life.  I am not talking like this because I am so holy or my life is so smooth, I am talking to you as someone who has weaknesses but has chosen to walk beyond my weakness and look unto my Jesus who started this beautiful thing in my life.  As I have usually said I got saved when I was a form two student but that time I did not know exactly what I was doing but true, that is when I got saved but I have been having issues, that I can’t tell exactly how many times I have gone back to be prayed the a prayer of salvation because of my falling. 

The last time I said I will not do this prayer again is when Pastor Ken Kiminywe of NPC Valley Road prayed for me the last prayer and said “many of you have been saved several times and they have always found themselves making this prayer again and again simply because they fall in sin.  For you today that I am praying for, I want you to note this day and from today this is the day you will start saying you got saved just for record purposes”.  Well, in real sense I was saved when I was in form two in the year 1991 but I can’t tell the date and since that time i did not have a personal relationship with Christ until this day when i lastly made this prayer now deep from my heart knowing exactly what i was doing and that is on 28th February 2010.  I was really determined to settle at NPC Valley Road, but the Lord through a friend who invited me to Mavuno Church wanted me to be in Mavuno Church because after I visited that church I found what I was looking for in terms of my personal growth was there, and that is a ground that will help me understand my purpose and growth in the things of God that he has already started doing in my life.  That is why I am even able to write all this through the experience i have had since i joined the family and the growth that am in.  I am not saying this to portray that NPC was not a church for my growth.  No!  I just want to put it right here today for those who know me and those who do not know me, that i felt more home at Mavuno and i had no any other intention to leave NPC.  I love NPC Valley Road and i have many friends there that i fellowship with.  I am putting this right because most people when the meet me they ask where did you go simply because i did not make it public about where i fellowship currently.  This being a by the way just to put it clear where i fellowship, i wish to share with you about what the Holy Spirit has been ministering to me.  

Why tell you all this about the day i got saved!  I am saying all this because most of the time us believers struggle when we got saved and the date especially when we hear others saying, I got saved when I was 7, 9, 10, 40 and so forth and you wonder!, when did you really get saved because today I you are saved and tomorrow you have fallen (backslide).  Acknowledging that you always feel that you cant even quote the day you first received Christ because of your ups and downs, I will just tell you to remember that first time you accepted Christ even if you cant remember the day, month, time should not bother you like it did to me but make this prayer after me and give your life a fresh to the Lord and say from this day, 30th March 2012 is the day you got saved and start a fellowship with Christ just as i did on 29th February 2010 and start a fresh.  You will be happy and enjoy the life I am enjoying with Christ today, not because I got saved when I was in form two but when I realized that,  I ought to have a personal walk with Christ and know him more and deeper not because I am perfect but because I am a sinner and he became my sin,  that is why I should not walk in guilt and stagnate in my salvation anymore because God wants to use you and me just the way we are as he continues to make you us whole and blameless like him. 

Gosh! I have really written a lot on salvation though that was not really my point, i still feel happy and grateful to my God because all what I am writing is coming from the Lord through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  When you make this prayer, that I will guide you in, please do not just keep it to yourself just call me on this number 0721705788 I will pray and walk with you so that the Lord will open your eyes to see the wonderful things in his law and make your life with Christ a sweet journey.  Even if you will not contact me, look for a church that speaks about the good news of the Lord and preach Jesus.  Introduce yourself to them have a fellowship with them so that you will grow in your salvation.  Do not walk alone you need a family to walk with you. 

It does not matter where you are, a prostitute, a robber, an adulterer fornicator, a liar, name it all that makes you not have a personal relationship with Christ just because the devil whispers to you daily that you are good for nothing.  Say after me “Lord Jesus, I come to you just the way I am, please forgive me all my sins and wash me with your blood.  Make my life a new and start from today with me and reveal to me all what you have in store for me so that I may know you more and more.  Write my name in the book of life and make me your child from this day forward, in Jesus Holy Name I do pray and believe.” 

If you have said that prayer, believe from today that the Lord has set you free and you are no longer the same and you are starting a new life with Christ Jesus. Not that you will not sin again, but you will sin because you were born in the sinful nature,  but he died for your sins 2000 years ago so you do not need to walk in guilt because he did it once and for all. He wants to change you and shape you to be the vessel he wants to make use of, in  his kingdom.  Remember, (2nd Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God).   Salvation is not about what you are able to do and say as a saved person but what the Lord has enabled you to become.  Remember, you did not call yourself he called you.  You did not love him, but he loved you first and that is why he made you his child.  Your life was planned even before you were in your mother’s womb and he knows you in and outside.  It does not matter the picture that we see you with, God is the one who knows the real you, that is what you will do and what you will not do.  

As i was reading my daily verses i was excited about 2nd Corinthians 5:21 because it is conforming with what i am sharing today.  One would ask, you mean no one is righteous?  I will say yes!  No one is perfect but through Christ we are made perfect.  Remember if God is to separate you and the entity of Christ He can never look at you because you are a sinful creature, but through his Son Jesus Christ he identifies with you, that you are his righteousness because you are covered by Jesus through acceptance that He is the Son of God and through Him you will see God.   

I have always watched myself in my walk with Christ and have found myself doing things that I see others do in terms of sin.  I have had struggles with something/issues in my life and I find myself repeating things that I have always sworn not to repeat in regard to what I call “sin”.  But the Lord is reminding me that what he hates in me is the sin and not myself because he bought me with a price and that is the blood of the lamb that makes me whole and clean in his presence daily.  And thus he wants me to acknowledge that I was born in sin and in the nature of sin but I am not subject to what that sin but to Him.  He is my everything despite my weakness because he knows me and he cares about me and not my weaknesses because he finished it long time ago when he became the sin.  Well, I am talking today to believers and many of us who feel we are righteous because we think we walk blameless because of our own making but forget it is God who enables us walk in holiness and not ourselves.  I am saying this because most of the time as believers there are issues we struggle with but the Lord is enabling us to overcome them day by day because salvation is a process.   Most of the time those who do not find themselves falling like others tend to think they are better placed than others and will always carry themselves as though they are so holy and sin can never reach them.  Just because God has helped you not to be a prostitute, a thief, a robber name it them you should not brag or think you are better.  Thank God that he has enabled you to live a holy life.  

I am talking like this because there are “sins” I am struggling with as a believer and every time I want to serve God I feel so guilty that I can’t serve God because of my struggles.  But the Lord has been showing me through the Holy Spirit that, he is not using me because I am perfect, he is using me because I am imperfect but it is through the imperfectness that I am able to know that He is Lord over my life.  Actually being able to pin out that this is a struggle that I have and I need to surrender to him, is a very clear picture that I want to get rid of the sins in my life but until he deals with it in me for his glory and set me free from it, after acknowledging they are sins (whatever you have in mind), then I will wait for long.  The secret here is to accept that you have weakness and present them to the Lord daily and remind him that you do not want it you want to be holy and he will release you from it.  At the end of it all because he will have enabled you, you will give it as a testimony to others to show how God enabled you and encourage others but do not hide your weakness or brag about your holy walk.   This clearly indicates to me that, I do not need to dwell in guilt but surrender all in me that I feel is not right and accept i am a sinner.   Not to sit down and give the devil the chance to pin me down and use me for his Kingdom whereas Christ brought me in this world for a purpose.   God has control over my life and I am not enjoying life or having struggles because I prayed or I did not pray but because He has my life in His hands and he uses me just as I am.  I may suffer, yes, but Christ also suffered and that is why I share in his suffering because I suffer for him to preach the good news to all in my suffering too and not because of what i am but who he is in me.  (Philippians 1:29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him).

When I write this I will tell you I had just committed a sin that i will not share with you here because i do not want to be judged by anybody but this is something i have taken to the Lord and asked him to forgive me about and to help me out in my daily walk with him.  What are you struggling with?  Do you go pin pointing others sins instead of accepting you have struggles with some sins and you go hiding them to the Lord and thus he knows them all?  I have asked God to forgive me and help me overcome, what about you?  Are you hiding it and not sharing about it and pray about it so that the Lord can deliver you?  Please do not sit down and pity yourself and live in guilt, ask of the Lord to help you.   I know you may want to know exactly what is that am calling sin.  To you, you may put it as whatever sin it is but that is what you think but my God knows my sins that I struggle with and I have surrendered them all to him to help me overcome them.  It might not take a day, months or whatever time to overcome them, but one thing I know I will overcome in Jesus Name.  

I will give an illustration on how sometime how people judge you for what they see and not what they know about you.  Have you had such a situation?  I know I do not need to elaborate on this because this usually happens to nearly every person. But I have always asked myself,  why do people do this and I realized in one way or another I judge people through their appearance, what they said, how they talk and so forth, until I have a fellowship with them then I realize they are totally different from what I thought about them.    So why did God create both sin and good?  I say he created them both for his purpose whether we are in his kingdom or not.  You may be sinning so deeply and the Lord uses you so mightily and wonder Gosh and how come God can still speak and use me even when I am not worthy?  This is simply because he is using the bad in you for his glory and not yours and when that period is over you will see how much he loves you unconditionally and appreciate this love that He cares for you that is why he had to let his son Jesus to die for us.     

Usually when you win your battles even in the midst of your weakness, God provides this opportunity so that you give hope to all those who are struggling in order to encourage them and help them share what they go through even if it looks ugly like what.  Imagine a man of God like David and God could use him that mightily with all those weaknesses.  That is a clear indication that God does not look at our weaknesses but looks at our heart.  What I am trying to say here is this, you will walk all this round world looking for a perfect person you will never find them.  Because when you see a pastor you will see the flaws they have and you will just say, but I thought he is a Pastor!  I thought she is a pastors Wife!  I thought she is a Pastors Child, I thought he is a Prophet! an Apostle! a teacher of the Word and the list is endless.  I will tell you do not look at the titles and what they are not supposed to do because they are as human as you and look at yourself and the walk you have with Christ. 

I will tell you, stop going round churches, seeking new friends, changing jobs here and there, marrying this woman leaving for the other thinking they are better positioned in the way they handle things.  You think you will find angels around and yet you are not one.  Work on your own salvation with fear and trembling knowing it is about you and God.    

Let us stop judging others whether you know them or not.  Look at yourself leave others to be judged by God and to be dealt with by God.  You will never change anyone in this world but preach to them the good news and be an example to them the way the Lord is leading you and they will borrow a leave from you to be used of God.  Where you have a weakness, work on it, accept you have it and deal with it and the Lord will help you and make you whole.   I am not trying to say we will not look at people and create a picture about who they are, but what I am trying to say ask of the Lord what do you see about that person.  If there is a way you can come in and help them in brotherly love, then help them but do not tarnishing their names and creating a bad image about them. 

You may say, and Rose you are so spiritual and I will tell you I am because what the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me even on my own personal matters I would wish everyone would invite the holy spirit to speak and direct them they will understand all what I am enjoying in the world of the Holy Spirit.  You may call me weird because every time you hear me talk you will always hear me say I was shown, I was told, the spirit told me and so on and so forth and wonder!  But I will say, I have given my life to the Lord to make use of me in all ways and he has enabled me understand who I am and those who are around me through the Holy Spirit and it feels sweet because I do not need a witch doctor to tell me what I am seeing, but the Holy Spirit who the Lord promised he will send and he will not leave us alone of which I acknowledge and confess that He is real and He will guide us through all what we cannot understand.  

I am excited to be in Jesus Christ because life with Christ is so sweet than ever.  When I read (Psalms 73:25-26 Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever) I was asking did David really know what he was saying that nothing that he loves in this world like the Lord when I really understand all what he had in terms of wealth, women and the might God gave him and dares to say nothing he desires but God who created him and he desires more of him and nothing of this world pleases him, I understand him and I now know why nothing in this world pleases me but God alone because things of this world will pass by but I will go to be with my Father one day and all these things of this world will be of no worth but only God.  My prayer is that he prepares me to be the bride he wants me to be so that when I reach heaven I will enjoy my eternity with him.  Are you praying the same prayer that I am praying?  Please do not depend on your own, depend on God who is the creator of the Universe and You!  Then you will appreciate  when  David says Psalms 73: 27-28 that Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.  But as for me, It is good to be near God.  I have made the sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds!  As I wind up with those verses it is my prayer that I will be able to encourage many in the Kingdom of God because of the things I have seen God do in my life and my friends life for the glory and honour of God. 

God bless you and keep you as we continue with our journey.  It is not easy but God will enable us through Christ who strengthens us and NOT OUR WEAKNESSES!